Thursday, February 26, 2009

on the road again

well friends, i think evesie can wait to get on the road again, but she's had a whale of a time in the car these past few days. we drove down to indy on tuesday, headed down with family to ft. knox on wednesday for uncle ty's graduation, and then back up to indy on thursday. in the course of those many hours in the car, eve learned how to say 'nana,' which made a certain great-grandmother (who kept her company in the backseat) very, very happy.

as usual, eve delights in most everything she does. including using her own potty, naked, while in a grimy gas station bathroom.

enjoy the pictures from this recent trip--and thanks to hope for sending me some of these!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

they've been going in and out of style

this pups was born with a full head of hair and has already modeled several styles. my favorite of these was, doubtless, the faux-hawk. if eve and i could heighten our reality even slightly more, i believe we would both rock the faux-hawk as a matter of public conscience. alas, our hirsute adventures are encumbered -- nay, even dictated -- by institutional restraints. having laid claim to this public service announcement, i now proceed to the sole purpose of this post: fotos of a fat baby with pigtails. i have yet to find appropriate revolutionary discourse for captioning.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

let's drive to brighton on the weekend

the title of this post can be found in an exultant chorus from a bloc party song. i've had this line in my head for several days, and the energy in the lyric has made me think of our weekends lately. though we're not heading out of town on these saturdays, i feel like we're approaching our own city with that fervor associated with the getaway destination in the quoted song.

today it was so warm in chicago that i had no idea how to dress eve for indoor or outdoor activities. somehow, she ended up without coat and hat, outside at the lincoln park zoo, but her joy at communing with animals and strangers kept her little self warm and toasty. someone walked by us and remarked, 'now she's the cutest thing i've seen in this place today.' that's probably a bit of an exaggeration, but maybe not.

this collection of pics takes us from last saturday to this one to show you how evester is clearly getting used to her urban lifestyle. the in-house hat wearing pic is not unique. she alternates between two hats, both from the ever-generous spencer's-mom, while in the house. we don't know why she wears these hats inside, but she's very consistent about it. and that thing in her mouth in the third pic is a cornichon, a really strongly flavored pickle. that's my girl. we'll have her eating salt and vinegar chips within the year.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Inside the museums, Infinity goes up on trial

we had a beautiful afternoon the in the art institute yesterday, with peace and hope (yes it does sound like a song from the 60's). eve loves the georgia o'keefe paintings, any statues, and all strangers.