Tuesday, April 28, 2009

won't you come out and play?

evesie and co. had a blast visiting the grand- and great-grand-'rents over the weekend. it was such a whirlwind of activity, that the only person who managed to snap a few photos of this pups in all her glory was hope, so thanks hope! these pictures represent evesie's last stand against sleep. shortly after this adventure, she lapsed into quite the pups coma, only to wake up with hope and peace on her lips, and other significant things like eggs, milk, and fruit soon followed. yes, friends, we spent some time in a grocery store. eve is now very good at cataloguing our purchases and suggesting additional ones (cheese? CHEESE!).

this kid babbles a mile a minute. adding to her penchant for saying names of people and foodstuffs, i have it on good authority that she can talk about many different types of trucks and pieces of playground equipment.

mostly, though, we've spent the past two evenings reading 'alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day' and practicing our disco rolls.

in these photos, if eve appears spellbound and there isn't a dog or squirrel or flower in sight, it's because her peace is serenading her on the guitar. what is he singing? what else? 'night, night, baby.' eve managed a very nice duet when she wasn't too wrapped up being all starry eyed and amazed.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

good night, ladies

well friends, we've learned a few important things today. we all learned that eve is really good at freestylin', in a baby-singing kind of way. i learned that chocolate chip pancakes taste even better when dipped in whipped butter. eve learned that juice boxes are absolutely amazing. she drained one in 90 seconds at the museum of science and industry. ted learned that the only thing better than a baby saying hi to you is a naked baby alternating between saying hi, saying pee pee, and clapping her hands.

eve sings this song anytime you sing the first line. she made the entire cereal aisle at supertarget laugh when she belted it on saturday. in case you couldn't tell, 'nigh nigh baby' is sung to the tune of 'good night, ladies.' enjoy this video!

Monday, April 13, 2009

evester parade

well friends, you can't imagine the fun that eve had yesterday. to make up for this imaginative failure, i've included a slideshow with music for your viewing pleasure. as always, youtube has compressed my lovely pics, blurring my little girl into pixels. but you'll get the idea. thanks for letting us tag along, kari, mike, and spencer! and thanks for bringing such a magical pillow and blanket, aunt duckie. you've totally captivated the evester!