Monday, October 29, 2007

a new angle on jordan

i know this isn't the usual side view that will show you how much more of my body that jordan has colonized, but this is how i see jordan most of the time, so i thought i'd share. that's right. i can't see my feet. i had a dream a few weeks ago in which i could see them again, and it was AMAZING.


Erin's mom Debbie said...

I love this one. Not only the purple sweater, but the bird's eye view from your perspective.

Cherrylynn and Ethan said...

Hi! I found your blog by clicking on your name off of Jamie's comments section.

Congratulations on Jordan coming! Yay for babies! Hope the end of your pregnancy is treating you well. Bet you're ready to meet that little bundle.


Hope said...

aaaahhhh how sweet is that sight! I could not ask for a better picture. It makes me feel like your right there with you. Can hardly wait to see you three!