Monday, October 1, 2007

visions of jordan

we've just gotten home from an uneventful kroger trip (weird, i know), after another good visit with the midwife. jordan is measuring right on schedule, and in spite of my tipping the scales, we're both in good health. apparently jordan repeatedly punching me in the pelvis is not cause to worry, so that's good. i'll just have to figure out how not to flinch and jump and shout every time it happens.

the pictures here capture a few different moments. the first is fledge's attempt to incubate jordan and tell ted that he's really the father. poor cat. he doesn't understand anything. the second is a picture from the lovely shower that ted's aunts, memommy, and janet threw for us two weekends ago. i'm not sure what ted and i are doing, but ted's uncle steve is responding appropriately. we took the third one just this evening, so this is jordan from the side at 33 weeks. jordan actually has her/his back to the camera and is upside-down for the picture, but that's ok with me.

1 comment:

Erin's mom Debbie said...

I saw these amazing pictures last night and was too tired to respond. I'm equally exhausted tonight, but I have to tell you, I'm looking at it again because I really miss you and Ted, and Jordan, and even Fledge. So I'm just looking at pictures that I'm so glad you sent, so that I can feel like I'm spending some time with you. I'm sure there are several other people that wish you were closer, but the pictures will get us through to the BIG day. Hey, Jordan is way out in front of you. Are you going to allow that to continue?