Tuesday, April 29, 2008

what do we got--a lot of sand??

well we've entered our final week of beach living, and evesie pups has been playing with her new batch of grandparental caretakers, loving every smiley-faced minute of it. above are a few pictures from last week, with e.m.. i wanted to highlight some of the evester's new tricks, such as sitting in windows, stroller piracy (or piratical strolling?), and holding her own bottle.

i would also like to call attention to the title of this post, which is a line from 'the little mermaid.' the fehskens people who read this blog will probably have recognized the line immediately, given the instant recall that all of them have for every song lyric and line in that movie, thanks to sally's obsession with it at a young and tender age. it is the title of this post not because we out here at the marine lab have a lot of sand. in fact, there is very little sand on the island, especially considering that it's an island. 

for the whole weekend that ted was here, he repeated this phrase over and over again. when we were in sand and when we were away from it. therefore, any picture i see that was taken over the weekend immediately recalls that line and its near ubiquity. even if said picture features eve in a pirate hat, miles away from sand. and lest you misread my emotional response to this pavlovian response of mine, fear not, dear reader: i like having this line bouncing around in my head, though i sure do wish i knew the rest of the song.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

"can you just put it in my mouth?"

once upon a time, matthew fehskens, also known as fifi and mateo, spent a summer asking his mom the question that is the title of this post. any time food magically appeared on the table and the meal was announced, this phrase would come wafting through the house, carried by matthew's dulcet tones. you may be wondering at what age matthew ingrained this fabulous (and i do mean that) phrase into our collective memories.

i can't remember.

but it wasn't more than three years ago. that i know.

as you can see from this video, the evester will be saying this phrase as soon as she possibly can. here, she's eating mashed bananas and being totally entertained by her e.m.'s hand. smiling at e.m. is her newest favey. somehow, that very same e.m. managed to entertain this baba and hold the camera steady for the duration of the meal. impressive stuff!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"No sound is dissonant which tells of Life."

the duke gardens, with my estrogen posse, and samuel taylor coleridge:

Well, they are gone, and here must I remain,
This lime-tree bower my prison! I have lost
beauties and feelings, such as would have been
Most sweet to my remembrance even when age
Had dimm'd mine eyes to blindness! They, meanwhile,
Friends, whom I never more may meet again,
On springy heath, along the hill-top edge,
Wander in gladness, and wind down, perchance,
To that still roaring dell, of which I told;
The roaring dell, o'erwooded, narrow, deep,
And only speckled by the mid-day sun;
Where its slim trunk the ash from rock to rock
Flings arching like a bridge; -- that branchless ash,
Unsunn'd and damp, whose few poor yellow leaves
Ne'er tremble in the gale, yet tremble still,
Fann'd by the water-fall! and there my friends
Behold the dark green file of long lank weeds,
That all at once (a most fantastic sight!)
Still nod and drop beneath the dripping edge
Of the blue clay-stone.

Now, my friends emerge
Beneath the wide wide Heaven -- and view again
The many-steepled tract magnificent
Of hilly fields and meadows, and the sea,
With some fair bark, perhaps, whose sails light up
The slip of smooth clear blue betwixt two Isles
Of purple shadow! Yes! they wander on
In gladness all; but thou, methinks, most glad,
My gentle-hearted Charles! for thou hast pined
And hunger'd after Nature, many a year,
In the great City pent, winning thy way
With sad yet patient soul, through evil and pain
And strange calamity! Ah! slowly sink
Behind the western ridge, thou glorious Sun!
Shine in the slant beams of the sinking orb,
Ye purple heath-flowers! richlier burn, ye clouds!
Live in the yellow light, ye distant groves!
And kindle, thou blue Ocean! So my friend
Struck with deep joy may stand, as I have stood,
Silent with swimming sense; yea, gazing round
On the wide landscape, gaze till all doth seem
Less gross than bodily; and of such hues
As veil the Almighty Spirit, when yet he makes
Spirits perceive his presence.

A delight
Comes sudden on my heart, and I am glad
As I myself were there! Nor in this bower,
This little lime-tree bower, have I not mark'd
Much that has sooth'd me. Pale beneath the blaze
Hung the transparent foliage; and I watch'd
Some broad and sunny leaf, and lov'd to see
The shadow of the leaf and stem above
Dappling its sunshine! And that walnut-tree
Was richly ting'd, and a deep radiance lay
Full on the ancient ivy, which usurps
Those fronting elms, and now, with blackest mass
Makes their dark branches gleam a lighter hue
Through the late twilight: and though now the bat
Wheels silent by, and not a swallow titters,
Yet still the solitary humble-bee
Sings in the bean-flower! Henceforth I shall know
That Nature ne'er deserts the wise and pure;
No plot so narrow, be but Nature there,
No waste so vacant, but may well employ
Each faculty of sense, and keep the heart
Awake to Love and Beauty! and sometimes
'Tis well to be be bereft of promis'd good,
That we may lift the soul, and contemplate
With lively joy the joys we cannot share.
My gentle-hearted Charles! when the last rook
Beat its straight path across the dusky air
Homewards, I blest it! deeming its black wing
(Now a dim speck, now vanishing in light)
Had cross'd the mighty Orb's dilated glory,
While thou stood'st gazing; or, when all was still,
Flew creeking o'er thy head, and had a charm
For thee, my gentle-hearted Charles, to whom
No sound is dissonant which tells of Life.

"This Lime-Tree Bower my Prison"

Thursday, April 17, 2008

1, 2, 3, 4, can i have a little more?

evesie pups has an endless capacity for hugs, kisses, laughs, and food. janet and mary grace have spent the week showering her with all of these things, making this one crazy happy pups. today, she finally got some sand between those freakishly long toes of hers, and the kid seemed pleased with the sensations. of course, she also liked the long bath this evening that washed all that sand away. please also notice how happy she is to wear her bloomers on top of her head. this blog really might become a 'stuff on my kid + stuffing my kid into stuff' forum. it's just too tempting. we found a canon today that would have been just perfect for a photo, but alas, we couldn't get to it without scaling a brick wall, which obviously didn't happen.

maybe we'll get that picture next week.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

we would be so happy you and me

well, it's the end of the weekend, and ted's gone back to durham, leaving the evester and me with janet and mary grace as fabulous company and wonderful help. before the big switcheroo, we managed to work in tons of fun this weekend with the newly arrived fehskens, ted's aunt karen, and his grandmother, memommy. the above photos are documentation of these good times, though ironically, none of the above-mentioned guests, except for janet, are in them.

i've always known how delicious is this baby, but apparently, her gustatory appeal crosses species. not only did this gator think she'd be tasty, but an otter, a sea turtle, and a creepy fish were awfully interested in her. we're not sure how edible she was to the sharks because she conked out for most of our tour of the aquarium. i'm sure they would have liked her, though. i mean, really, WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

fun is the one thing that money can't buy

i've been hanging with eve all day every day, and have the lower back pain to prove it. eve has adapted quite well to the life aquatic, even going so far as to acquire a seahorse and lose her shirt. i believe we've watched that wes anderson 'classic' too many times with this pups, as she's now dressing like the zissou. when combined with a beautiful seascape (pics coming, i'm sure) and her thousand-yard stare, it's enough to make this parental unit feel a bit more like phil conner than steve zissou (sorry if that's too much bill murray reference -- i mean to say like i'm in groundhog day, but at a beautiful beach instead of wintry pennsylvania).

Sunday, April 6, 2008

you've got to admit it's getting better

just when i thought the evester couldn't be any more adorable, couldn't find another way to steal my heart, she ups the ante. this kid is serious about her toys, as you will see in these pictures. we've succumbed to the world of interactive baby containers, which provide the baba with lots of sensory exploration and reasons for sporting a genuinely astonished visage, and which provide her 'rents with many, many photo ops.

after loading the cars with these and many other seats for the babski, we trekked out to beaufort this afternoon. we've arrived at our little beach home away from home, and the pups has settled in nicely. she's currently sleeping in her ridiculous pack n' play. the rainforest- themed mobile that came with it was apparently so entertaining that it compelled her to rotate her little self ninety degrees counter-clockwise before falling asleep. i know this because i broke first tonight (instead of ted, who is usually the weaker-willed or kinder-hearted, depending on how you look at it) and checked on her.

we'll post again soon--hopefully with some ocean pictures.