Tuesday, July 22, 2008


our friends mark and amy had us over for dinner on saturday and we had the loveliest time. i think eve had the best time, though, because she got to hang out with mark and amy's beautiful daughter, audrey. as soon as eve saw audrey, she started clapping and laughing, and the feeling was reciprocated.

audrey bean and evesie pups! does it get any better?! well, yes, it does. all it takes is matching pajamas.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

get my baby some sophistication!

exactly eight months ago, eve and i did a bunch of work, and then we slept really well. that work began with me laughing--that i had gone into labor early, that we were missing a harry potter trivia night, that our house was filthy and nothing was packed for the hospital. today, i did a bunch of work printing out my dissertation for about seventeen hours, and now eve is sleeping really well. she did a lot of work, too. apparently, she's quite the little drummer at day care, and she spends a lot of time having milks and food. this evening, she figured out how to drop her fishies back in their musical aquarium, and she also learned how to throw them. so eve probably did way more than me today. no wonder she went to bed first. it's important to note that we also began today laughing (and pleading for more sleep) as eve sang, kicked and windmilled her way into the morning. in the eight months between these two mornings, this pups has only gotten funnier, sweeter, cuter, and more wonderful.

this week, i've been having my own little pupster retrospective, and i wanted to share some highlights in this post. due to the magic of digital photographic technology, i can assure you that each picture is from a day or two around her 'birthday.' the last two pictures were taken today. as i agonized over which one to choose, ted reminded me that i could post both. how novel!

so there you go, nine pictures for eight months. enjoy watching her eyes get bigger and smiles get more varied--i know we do.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

teeth like god's shoeshine

here are a few various fotos from the last few weeks. the top shows our little cowgirl, with hope's sun hat blocking the rays. photo 2 demonstrates eve's sincere love of apartment hunting. she really did enjoy it, at least much more than i did. fotos 3 and 4 capture our little vampire's first two teeth -- the incisors. it's really really funny-looking. finally, eve continues her pursuit of greater heights, and likes nothing more than to sit on my shoulders and survey her domain. this generally involves fistfuls of my hair, which is not my favorite sensation.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

the sweetest girl in the world

i get songs stuck in my head a lot of the time, and blather various snippets at the significant women in my life. one of my absolute favorite songs of all time (a rotating list, of course, and highly influenced by whatever i'm listening to at the time) is the following, which pops into my head whenever i see pics like this of this one pups...

The sweetest girl in the world
Is my blue-eyed Jane.
We fell in love like turtledoves
While the moon was shining down.
I asked her then, I asked her when
Wedding bells would ring.
She said, "Oh, dear, it seems so queer
That this could happen here."

You are my little pal,
And I never knew a sweeter gal,
My little blue-eyed Jane,
I love you so.
And when the sun goes down
And the shadow's creeping over town,
Just meet me in the lane,
My blue-eyed Jane.

Janie dear, listen here,
I've come to say farewell.
The world is drear without you, dear,
But now I cannot linger here.
I'm going away this very day,
Oh please, come go with me.
I'll be sad and blue wanting you,
Longing all day through.

My little blue-eyed Jane,
You'll always be the same sweet thing,
I know you'll never change,
I love you so.
And when the sun goes down
And the shadow's creeping over town,
Then I'll come back again,
My blue-eyed Jane.

And when the sun goes down
And the shadow's creeping over town,
Then I'll come back again,
My blue-eyed Jane.

dylan does a sweet cover, but for my money this song is owned by its writer, the Singing Brakeman, Jimmie Rodgers.