Wednesday, July 2, 2008

the sweetest girl in the world

i get songs stuck in my head a lot of the time, and blather various snippets at the significant women in my life. one of my absolute favorite songs of all time (a rotating list, of course, and highly influenced by whatever i'm listening to at the time) is the following, which pops into my head whenever i see pics like this of this one pups...

The sweetest girl in the world
Is my blue-eyed Jane.
We fell in love like turtledoves
While the moon was shining down.
I asked her then, I asked her when
Wedding bells would ring.
She said, "Oh, dear, it seems so queer
That this could happen here."

You are my little pal,
And I never knew a sweeter gal,
My little blue-eyed Jane,
I love you so.
And when the sun goes down
And the shadow's creeping over town,
Just meet me in the lane,
My blue-eyed Jane.

Janie dear, listen here,
I've come to say farewell.
The world is drear without you, dear,
But now I cannot linger here.
I'm going away this very day,
Oh please, come go with me.
I'll be sad and blue wanting you,
Longing all day through.

My little blue-eyed Jane,
You'll always be the same sweet thing,
I know you'll never change,
I love you so.
And when the sun goes down
And the shadow's creeping over town,
Then I'll come back again,
My blue-eyed Jane.

And when the sun goes down
And the shadow's creeping over town,
Then I'll come back again,
My blue-eyed Jane.

dylan does a sweet cover, but for my money this song is owned by its writer, the Singing Brakeman, Jimmie Rodgers.

1 comment:

Janet Fehskens said...

Do you have all those words memorized? And are you aware that "Janet" is a pet name for "Jane?" Thus, you're actually referring to me and I take great pleasure it that. I love you,