Tuesday, August 26, 2008

in case of accidents she always took her mum

this blog's new goal is to reference every song from the white album. i believe we are well on the road to meeting that goal, embracing every opportunity and clutching every hope.

clearly, evesie has been enjoying herself. we took her to the field museum with the promise of mummies. she particularly loved the mythological creatures exhibit, but also found great amusement in the egyptian tomb. the gator didn't frighten her at all (in a previous blog post, we did try to feed her to another artificial croc, so this is apparently old hat).

aside from mummies and reptiles, her newest joy is sucking the life out of her sippie cup, which generally contains a mixture of juice and water. if these are not present, she will also go all succubus on an empty sippie cup. this situation leads to tremendous reverberating burps. these herculean belches amuse us all, particularly in public.

evesie cracks herself up, and then passes out. especially when olympic records are being broken -- this is a recipe for sleep.

1 comment:

Croque Madame said...

I think this is why Eve and I get along so well...we have much in common: "evesie cracks herself up, and then passes out." Look at that thing -- she is CASHED OUT in that picture!!!