Monday, September 15, 2008

mama, don't let your baby grow up to be a cow(girl)

in two days and about six and a half hours, eve fehskens will arrive at the ripe young age of ten solid months. due to a little thrush issue, the evester got to meet her new chicago pediatrician this week. her visit to the doctor also confirmed a little known fact about this baby of mine: she's completely average. that's right. she's weighing in at the fiftieth percentile in height, weight, and head circumference right now. the e.l.f. is absolutely normal.

because her physiognomy cannot escape averageness, the above pictures illustrate the ways her personality diverges, possibly, from that fiftieth percentile. as many of you know, eve came into the world screaming and full of affection and hilarious. since then, she's worked very hard on perfecting each of those qualities. to them, she's added thrill-seeking, starting conversations with strangers, shrieking with laughter, and eating everything in sight. perhaps this little septet of personality traits and affinities should be ample evidence that the evesie pups brings the wild cowgirl to these amazing cow pj's that feature heavily in the above photo spread.

due to a rash of cold weather, the pups needed sleeves and long pants to stay snuggly warm at night. after just five hours of waking up every forty minutes to her whimpers, her brilliant 'rents figured this out and promptly purchased sleeves and pants the next day. behold, the cow pj set. i can only take credit for supporting the find. her papa discovered this set deep in the racks of cat and bunny themed sleepwear. i can't believe it's taken us this long to find the absolute perfect nighttime ensemble for this pups. tonight i'll probably dream of her leaping over the moon after becoming the fastest draw (sippy cups, not six shooters) in the west.

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