Friday, December 12, 2008

a day in the life

in the past 24 hours or so, evesie has been busy. if you know the olivia books, this would be a good time to superimpose this little pups onto olivia as a way of understanding her activity level and the engagement that she has demanded. if you don't know the olivia books, shame on you. the first one is about eleven pages long, so it's not too challenging of a read.

here are some examples of what she's been doing at home:
discovering that wearing my crazy purple socks as opera-length gloves is funny

'helping' to decorate the tree. the elvis ornament and a donkey were her first 'attempts,' which is to say, 'casualties.' she loves the lights, as well as the concept of ornaments.

playing her drum, always with drumsticks

'talking' to anne on the phone

tackling her papa with kisses

saying hi to her papa about seventeen times in a row

climbing the stairs in our building.

walking along the walls in the apt.

peeing in her very own little potty while gnawing on my toothbrush (fantastic! and ewww)

peeing in her very own little potty while gnawing on ted's toothbrush (wonderful! and hilarious!)

gnawing on her own toothbrush while her mama styles her (evesie's) hair: wet, blow dry, apply product. papa's product.

moving twenty cds from one surface to another via her 'rents

learning how the volume knob works on the stereo

dancing her little heart out to the bobfather and los beatles


i think this video and picture will convey just a tiny fraction of the joy she brings to these activities and the many, many i left out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! What an amazing way to begin my rainy Monday morning at work. Thank you!