ted and erin had a jordan and named it eve--how could this happen?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
if looks could kill it would have been us instead of him
lots of fun stories from the field museum today -- for now, i'll post some pics and erin and i will add some comments later. let's just say that evesie's love for stuffed animals has expanded beyond teddy bears to include the work of taxidermists.
1 comment:
I love the photo of her hopping in her high chair - it's now my desktop background. She looks so clean! Did she have her bath BEFORE she ate? She's the cutest baby I've ever seen in my whole life - except maybe for her father. (Erin, I didn't see you as a baby, but you're pretty darn cute now.)
baba: anything small or something for which we hold affection. has come to mean, quite literally, *the* baba who is the subject of this blog
babski: baba with an eastern european flair. from watching all the nannies in prague wheel around their charges in bugaboo strollers. they (the babas) simply became babskis.
cell bundle: what we called the babski, pre-jordan and before the early ultrasound.
jordan: the placeholder name for the babski. we thought it was a funny non-gendered name, and monica's enthusiasm for it was infectious
morgan: the other non-gendered placeholder name that didn't make the final cut. ted couldn't stop saying "big 'm,' little organ," so we scrapped it in favor of jordan.
pupsandpups: erin and jordan, combined. ted's invention.
1 comment:
I love the photo of her hopping in her high chair - it's now my desktop background. She looks so clean! Did she have her bath BEFORE she ate? She's the cutest baby I've ever seen in my whole life - except maybe for her father. (Erin, I didn't see you as a baby, but you're pretty darn cute now.)
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