Tuesday, June 9, 2009

memories of the sultry south

well friends, it's june here and still jacket weather. makes me long just a little bit for the blistering heat and humidity that we experienced in charleston, sc two weekends ago. our dear friends anne and phil had the brilliant idea of celebrating their nuptials on the beach, and many of our friends were there to help them along.

we loved seeing everyone! eve especially, except for that point in the evening when she passed out on me for a good hour, missing the entire lovely ceremony, as well as the hors d'oeuvres course. luckily for eve's mama, eve's papa very nicely fixed that chair-bound lady a heaping plate and an ice-cold beer. i got to relive the early days of babski eve sleeping on me, a nice little moment.

please enjoy the sappy beatles tune that accompanies the slide show. evester loves these guys right now. this morning, we listened to all of 'side b' from 'abbey road' in one sitting. i adore this kid.


Janet Fehskens said...

Oh, my. I'm a sappy mess. What a beautiful dress. I like how she has her shoes on but papa doesn't. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Thank you, my darlings.

Erin's mom Debbie said...

I love this. One of my favorite Beatles songs, my favorite daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter...what could be better.