Saturday, August 22, 2009

while my daughter gently sleeps

today, eve decided that napping in the late morning to early afternoon was supremely overrated. after twenty minutes, she was raring to go. at a loss, we went with it, hung out around the apartment, had a nice relaxing day. ted even found a few moments to start sprinkling guitars around our place like sprinkles on ice cream, or powdered sugar on waffles, or whatever confectionary analogy you find apt.

so thrilled to see guitars again, eve tested out all of them and even got to try a violin and a flute. phenomenal. all this potential music making in the apartment must have made her antsy, ready to head out and start her own post-punk band, because she found her backpack, demanded that i put her baby in it and help her into it, and (without pants, a jacket, socks, or shoes) told us that she was going shopping to buy apples, avocados, bananas, milk, and one cookie.

i thought we might try going to the playground instead. here's eve, checking for airplanes along the way. note that she's still wearing the backpack, but is also more appropriately clothed for the out of doors:
getting to the park takes some time when you're legs are short, you're wearing pants that snap for the first time in about 18 months, and you're trying to keep your pigtails looking sharp:
sometimes you have to check out giant light posts:
and other times you just need to set out across a baseball diamond, headed for that sandbox in the beyond, like a little hobbit on a great adventure, though without nasty rings or dragons or golem:
once we arrived at the park, and mind you it's pretty chilly today, eve decided the baby wanted to play in the water. poor, wet, cold baby:
luckily, the baby got to dry out, eve got to pee under a tree, and everyone got to play in the exalted sandbox. once we were home, ted set up evesie on the couch to watch a little 'wall-e,' and this is what almost immediately happened:
i guess naps aren't entirely overrated after all.


Hope said...

omg!! she is so sweet, adorable and a genius like her parents! please give her a kiss for me and tell her we loved seeing her room on sunday and she peans up well! love you all

Janet Fehskens said...


Yasmin said...

LOVE the pigtails and the hobbit comparison! SO CUTE! Invite me over soon, please.