Wednesday, May 9, 2007

now that we have this blog, i have no idea what to write

so. i'm now officially in the twelfth week of gestating; we have no doctor visits this week; everything seems to be progessing quite normally. without the surge of energy that a doctor's appointment or the surge of excitement that a last minute visit from mom provides, i am left with the quotidian fact of just being pregnant. i don't mean to take away from the wonder of this state, but it is something that i've adapted to in particular ways so that it doesn't invade my every thought and action. to put things in perspective, i just finished a phone conversation with christine, who is now very, very pregnant (36 weeks in fact), and she was telling me that sometimes, even though she can't see her toes anymore, she sort of forgets about her burgeoning belly. even though my belly is far from burgeoning--possibly only in the bump stage so far--i can sympathize with her assimilative attitude. how else do you go on living like a normal human being instead of some blissed out person walking on air?

enough of the cool. i'm still ridiculously excited about the whole thing. and pretty blissed out most of the time. except when i'm hungry, which has upped in frequency. again.

i think what i'm trying to get at is that being pregnant is the beginning of a change in my life and in ted's, but it's not so revolutionary a change that we stop being the people that we are or stop doing many of the things that we do. you might think that's idealistic and utopian of me to think right now and that i should be bracing for nothing short of full-on, coup d'etat revolution. i think i'll just stick around in this utopia awhile longer.

ted's chattering at me that it's my bedtime. i can't believe he's right. if i'm going to read at all before i collapse into sleep, i better get going. right now.

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