Monday, June 4, 2007

At last, thanks to Erin's endless patience with my difficulties in becoming a blogger, I am ready to contribute. Just a quick disclaimer to start: I will take great effort to proofread my entries, but my typing blunders are many these days due to my hand surgery, so please excuse any errors.
Well, to go all the way back to April 27 when I received a phone call from Erin on a Friday ( she never calls on Friday, it's usually Sunday) and asked her "what are you doing calling on a Friday" - jokingly , of course. She proceeded to ask me what we were doing for Thanksgiving. I thought she had gone mad, knowing that none of us plan that far in advance. I asked her if she wanted us to come to their house again since last year was so much fun, and she said that would be nice because that is when the baby's due. Of course I said WHAT BABY, and her very calm and controlled answer was OUR BABY. Well, I lost my calm control, tears came to my eyes and the rest is a bit of a blur as I took in the details of the ultrasound, due date, and how she was feeling. It was a wonderful conversation, but after hanging up, I cried with excitement, joy and the knowledge that I was becoming a grandmother. Thankfully, Bob understood and was a bit weepy eyed as well. I processed it all weekend as I called everyone I knew and spread the news. On Monday at school, I told everyone I saw (even those that I hardley ever see of speak to in such a huge school). Everyone shared in my excitement. Then ,all I could think about was wanting to see Erin with her new life inside. So I called and said, like a whining mom -"I just really want to see you. Do you have a sort of free weekend in May when I could visit?" It turned out that the coming weekend was the best for them, so I took Friday off and jumped on a plane and headed east. That weekend was woonderful. It made everything real, and I so enjoyed the time I spent with Erin, Ted and their friends who graciously included me in whatever they were doing.
And now several weeks later, I am still reeling with excitement. I have a new enthusiasm and interest in other people's babies, which I have never really had before now. I saw a couple this weekend with brand new twins - 8 days old, and started up a conversation (telling them that my daughter is pregnant), unable to take my eyes off their little hands and feet and basically their new existence. All the time I was imaging them as being Jordan and how excited I am to see and hold her/him. I'm looking at stuffed animals wherever I go and baby clothes and gear wherever it pops up. For someone that was not consumed with how much I wanted to be a grandmother, I suddenly understand that feeling that so many of my freinds have experienced.
Erin and Ted will be the most knowledgable, loving, caring and most outstanding parents in the history of the world ,of course. Keep the pictures coming. I enjoyed the bump you took to the party and printed it to show Nan and Pop today. They are pretty excited as well.
I could go on and on, but it is my first real day of summer vacation and all of those tasks around here are screaming for my attention ( like Jordan will be doing in about 25 weeks or so).


e.h.fehskens said...

better a blogger than a bludger, i always say.



Janet Fehskens said...

Debbie! They did it! (at least once.) I mean, made a baby! Won't we have fun? Love, Janet

Erin's mom Debbie said...

So much fun. I get excited every time I think about it - which is often!

e.h.fehskens said...

you think you all are excited...

erin said...

yeah. i think jordan is definitely the most excited. and then maybe fledge and ted are tied. me? i hardly think about it. . .