Saturday, June 2, 2007

First visit from Nanet

Well, I'm just tickled pink (or blue) to be a part of this episode in our oldest son's and daughter's lives - and our first grandbaby, of course!
For Erin's birthday I just had to send along my first purchase for the baba - a light green "onesie" (on sale at T.J. Maxx.) They didn't have what I was looking for but this will do for now. It satisfied my grandmaternal cravings of ogling sweet baby stuff.
Erin, I wish I could see your sweet little belly! Please send photos (or blog them if that's possible) of you in your new maternity gear. I love reading and hearing about every minute detail, remembering almost every one that happened when I was carrying Ted. (Teddy.) (Teddy-Rabbit-Bunny-Bear.) Oh my, how goofy babies make us!
Dad and John sang folk songs at the "Hull House" today while Chelsea and I listened and enjoyed. It's awfully hot here today. Am I allowed to write this kind of stuff, or am I simply supposed to respond to what you write? I don't know Blog Etiquette.
We're going to see "Pirates of the Caribbean" tomorrow; at least that's the plan - then we can discuss that. We were watching "Apocolypto" and it's pretty amazing, then Dad left to retrieve the Duck from work. The main reason I love to go to movies (at the theatre) is we usually get to watch the whole thing in one shot. That doesn't happen here. We saw "Blood Diamond" last night and that was really good, too. I think I'll have had my fill of gore for awhile.
Moving right along, Confirmation is tomorrow and we're going to a party tomorrow afternoon. Duck's "Cabaret" in Monday night, etc. I could go on and on. (On and on she goes, each word more meaningless than the last) - but I"ll stop. This is your blog and I love you three so much and am itching to make baby things. Humor me. Love, Mom/Janet


e.h.fehskens said...

watching 'apocalypto' actually made me even more excited about impending fatherhood. i'm not kidding.

photos are coming soon, not to worry.

what kind of baby things do you want to make?

Janet Fehskens said...

Soft baba blankies. Do they have to pass your inspection first?
I thought you'd get a thrill out of the fatherhood part of "Apocalypto" - I thought it was awesome and those babies were so adorable. What a good mommy and daddy they had. Like you and Erin. Panther something and something something. Love, MOm

e.h.fehskens said...

of course they don't have to pass any inspection -- i was just curious what you had in that creative noggin of yours.

Janet Fehskens said...

This is fun! I think I may do a "myspace" or whatever would be age appropriate for me. Any suggestions? It's gorgeous here today and I'm thinking garage sales. I see so many baby things at those places but am standing firm. (I see lots of stuff I want, too, and stand somewhat firm there, as well.) Saw 3 episodes of The Sopranos last night from season 3. A friend is taping season 6 for me. Fun. Love you, have a great day, together and separately! Mom