Saturday, June 23, 2007

it was twenty years ago today...

to be realistic and historically accurate, it was much more like five years ago today. a mere half decade ago, a quarter of a score, ted and i were prepping for our afternoon nuptials. i remember waking up in mom's house in westfield, indiana and having breakfast with her, feeding my leftover cereal milk to sadie, my cat, and then spending the rest of the day in a whirlwind of preparation and celebration.

this morning has so far been an exact repeat performance, and i expect the day to continue as a mirror image of our wedding day.

i've been thinking this week about what five years of marriage means and haven't come up with a suitable answer. ever since i met ted, he's been my great pal and closest companion, and that continues to be true. i can't imagine spending my life with anyone else, and haven't been able to do so for quite a long time--longer than five years in fact.

and mostly, i'm so thrilled that he also wanted to have a baby with me. after proposing to me, that's been the best compliment he's ever given me, i think--that he's willing to travel down this unfamiliar path and make it up with me as we go.


Dadward said...

The wonder and joy of expecting your first baby -it takes the breath away! Erin, you look, well, radiant. Is there another adjective better suited for a mother with child?

We wish we were nearer, able to share in your joy and journey: seeing, touching,holding, hearing.

To be given the privilege of serving as co-creators with God of an entirely new and unique individual is simply the greatest joy of human life. That this child, on loan from God, brings together in physical form your emotional and spiritual love is another wonderful blessing.

We are simply thrilled for you, and for us. Always in our prayers to the Lord of Life, Jesus, that his most tender mercies be each day's newest joy to you both.


e.h.fehskens said...

thanks for the sweet email. there are definitely new and strong emotions in the ether. maybe it's the hormones, but erin seems to be a lot nicer and i want to cry all of the time. we both about lost it listening to billy bragg in the car yesterday, and also recalled weeping 3 distinct times during 'cheaper by the dozen 2.'