Friday, June 22, 2007

the sun is up, the sky is blue


sorry, everyone, for the lag in posts. life has been busy (and when is it not?).

i'm pleased to say that we have tentatively arrived at a boy name. delightfully for this maniac, it also connotes a beatles connection. more about that later.

mostly i want to use this blog to give a shout-out to e-$. she is a real soldier and it has been amazing to watch her navigate this first 4.5 months. i've never seen someone take better care of him/herself. it's beautiful to watch her already care deeply and intelligently about this babski, to already see her formidable nurturing skills formed. i'm in awe at her ability to balance her needs and the needs of others without any contemplation -- she simply acts selflessly without even considering any other option. it's like watching a live action version of the lives of the saints.

most everyone has probably already seen her silent determination. this morning, i heard her get up while i sipped coffee and browsed celebrity gossip blogs (when will paris get out of jail?). she immediately went to the kitchen and fixed herself something to eat -- not out of habit, but because jordan demanded nutrition. i could tell that she was uncomfortable, but as soon as she finished her 1st breakfast (she was starting on 2nd breakfast when i left for work -- she is following the hobbit dining schedule, including elevensies) she perked up and we talked about the day.

what can i say -- i only hope that this babski is as adorable and thoughtful as e-$. i'm so glad that i'm along for this ride and she's sweet enough to let me co-navigate in my own bull-headed, mis-informed way.

i loves my babskis!


Erin's mom Debbie said...

Wow, Ted. I agree with every wonderful thing you said about Erin. I'd love to be there to see all of this, but I can see it all in my mind because I've watched her for years developing into the individual you are describing. She is amazing and I love her too.

e.h.fehskens said...

she just got that funny half-faraway look in her eyes and told me jordan had the hiccups.

Janet Fehskens said...

Your writings about your beloved blessed me and I'm grateful for the love you're cherishing in Erin and through Erin. I remember the hiccups, as well, plus things you did while in utero when I took communion. You really liked it! I'm remembering so much about when you were a baby these days, even took out your baby pictures and got VERY nostalgic. This mommy bug is pretty fierce and I'm glad you respect it and love it in Erin. She's a blessed girl, as well. Love, Mom

Yasmin said...

"Delightfully for this maniac, it also connotes a beatles connection."

Hmm, John/Paul/George/Ringo are all too obvious (except maybe Ringo), so my vote is for Rocky Raccoon. Although my boyfriend's brother named his son "Lennon Harrison." Yes, you read that right. It took about a millisecond for that child to be known as Lenny, henceforward, forever and ever amen.
I guess it's obvious by now that Erin has let me in on your dirty little secret: you have a blog. (The babski is not a dirty little secret, but a big joyful one!)

Looking forward to more posts and especially pictures. I can't believe it's been five years since I've seen you all. I just can't get rid of you, can I?

