Friday, November 30, 2007

that's my daughter in the water

little babski eve is approaching her two-week birthday, and upon reflection, i realize it's been one heck of a second week of life outside the womb for this kid. a visit to the doctor on monday confirmed our suspicions that she's a good eater. she gained a whopping twelve ounces in five days.

ted's parents visited her on tuesday and wednesday and quickly fell in love with her. they came bearing adorable girly clothing gifts, which seems to have set off a chain reaction, as pink and purple outfits that threaten me with cuteness overload have recently arrived in the mail from nan and pop and christine, as well as the very appropriate 'elf in training' bodysuit, with matching red pants from mom. if we ever stop dressing this little girl in green gowns, she's going to be quite the fashion plate.

before she can start dressing for success, we realized that she needed to smell better. her cord dropped off (i found it under the couch--no idea how it got there, but i imagine fledge had something to do with it, and i don't want to contemplate that) and her adorable belly button got dry enough that we finally gave this kid a full-on bath last night. predictably, she hated most of it but didn't seem to mind the strangle-hold rinse-off session or getting wrapped in a warm towel that looked like a bear. we have the photo evidence, above, to prove it.

among our big plans to celebrate her two-week oldness is watching the duke game on saturday afternoon. for those of you who have tried watching duke men's bb with ted, you know that you must develop a deaf ear as he waxes into more and more ridiculous 'sports talk' as the game progresses. eve seems to be born with an innate ability to do this. she just sleeps on him. when he tries to rouse her with his attempts to outdo dick vitale in blue devil enthusiasm, she sleepily says, 'boring, papa, boring.' that's my girl!

1 comment:

Peregrino said...

Hahaha look at that picture of her crying in the towel I can't stop laughing hahaha she's a hilarious kid oh god I'm gonna puke