Friday, December 21, 2007

baby please come home

before phil spector was in the habit allowing women to "kiss handguns,"he produced a darn fine christmas album. on this album, darlene love sings "christmas (baby please come home)." if you don't know this song, you should buy the album right now. it's probably on itunes if you refuse to hit the shops at the eleventh hour. i urge you to do this because neither ted nor i can adequately describe ms. love's fantastic voice. it's earthiness makes the song divine. it's the kind of voice that stays in your bones long after the song lyrics and melody fade from memory. or perhaps i'm overly sentimental about it. you decide.

ANYWAY. eve's been indoctrinated into her mama's love for christmas carols, with an emphasis on spector, this week. we've listened to quite a few during and after her milk binges. she tends to be wide awake and so adorable that she's edible after her morning nursing session. we listened to the best secular christmas song ever one morning this week, and i videoed eve's reaction to it. darlene love's nectar and ambrosia voice sent this baba pups into a pensive mood. i think her little movements perfectly capture the sweet yearning threaded throughout this song. safe travels to everyone who's hitting the road soon, and happy christmas to all, wherever you arrive or remain.

1 comment:

Janet Fehskens said...

She won't be camera-shy for long - Aunt Duckie is living proof of that. She loves the music! Her eyes are so big and wonderful! I'm so grateful for this blog and your faithfulness in posting -- helps a pining Nanet. Merry Christmas and God's blessings on all of your interviews, Erin!