Thursday, April 24, 2008

"can you just put it in my mouth?"

once upon a time, matthew fehskens, also known as fifi and mateo, spent a summer asking his mom the question that is the title of this post. any time food magically appeared on the table and the meal was announced, this phrase would come wafting through the house, carried by matthew's dulcet tones. you may be wondering at what age matthew ingrained this fabulous (and i do mean that) phrase into our collective memories.

i can't remember.

but it wasn't more than three years ago. that i know.

as you can see from this video, the evester will be saying this phrase as soon as she possibly can. here, she's eating mashed bananas and being totally entertained by her e.m.'s hand. smiling at e.m. is her newest favey. somehow, that very same e.m. managed to entertain this baba and hold the camera steady for the duration of the meal. impressive stuff!

1 comment:

Janet Fehskens said...

I knew she'd love the mashed bananas!
Miss you!