Tuesday, April 29, 2008

what do we got--a lot of sand??

well we've entered our final week of beach living, and evesie pups has been playing with her new batch of grandparental caretakers, loving every smiley-faced minute of it. above are a few pictures from last week, with e.m.. i wanted to highlight some of the evester's new tricks, such as sitting in windows, stroller piracy (or piratical strolling?), and holding her own bottle.

i would also like to call attention to the title of this post, which is a line from 'the little mermaid.' the fehskens people who read this blog will probably have recognized the line immediately, given the instant recall that all of them have for every song lyric and line in that movie, thanks to sally's obsession with it at a young and tender age. it is the title of this post not because we out here at the marine lab have a lot of sand. in fact, there is very little sand on the island, especially considering that it's an island. 

for the whole weekend that ted was here, he repeated this phrase over and over again. when we were in sand and when we were away from it. therefore, any picture i see that was taken over the weekend immediately recalls that line and its near ubiquity. even if said picture features eve in a pirate hat, miles away from sand. and lest you misread my emotional response to this pavlovian response of mine, fear not, dear reader: i like having this line bouncing around in my head, though i sure do wish i knew the rest of the song.

1 comment:

Janet Fehskens said...

I miss this baby.