Thursday, October 30, 2008

she's killer diller when she's dressed to the hilt

the sole purpose of this post is to horrify eve's grandmothers.

eve is such a good girl.

Monday, October 27, 2008

everything that happens will happen today

we saw david byrne play a great show on saturday (shout out to the in-laws for superior eve-sitting!). the show was split about evenly between mainstream talking heads songs and the new album he did with brian eno (eponymous with this post's title). we enjoyed ourselves very much save for one very odd regret. both of us wished that we had brought eve with us. she had been grooving to all of the right concert-preparation albums, and did her funky eve-dance for all the right reasons. we thought eve-sie could have surely picked up a few more bops and grooves from the show. next time, we're buying some baba-size earplugs and hauling this pups to the show.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

turn on your radio, baby, listen to my song

on wednesday this week, the evester got picked up from her wonderful, magical daycare (wmd from now on) by her papa. he called me on the way home to let me know that eve looked like she was 'kate bush on tour in the eighties.' i didn't know what that would mean until i saw her, and then once i saw the outfit created at wmd, it seemed totally obvious--the perfect description.

in honor of this sartorial strategy, we put some music on the big speakers and let the babski have at those towers of song. this kid loves her music, as you can see.

she also LOVES her uncle ty. he exudes some sort of magical quality that makes him evesie's number one priority when they're in the same room. seriously, she couldn't get enough of this guy over the weekend. it was utterly adorable.

the last three pictures are from wmd. the evester is doing her pretty smile for larisa and sergei now, so that's pretty awesome. i still can't believe how ridiculously happy she is all the time. it's a good thing i have over three thousand photos on my computer to consult if ever i'm in doubt. gosh, i love her.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

inside the gates of eden

this pups woke up in one fabulous mood this morning and hasn't stopped. one fascinating aspect of this mood includes a complete dependence on all things poppa-related, and next to no time for her mother. very funny, and very exhausting. i'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that i shoveled donut holes down her maw while e-$ showered. no, i think it is a simple genetic preference.

so we grabbed this pups and hauled her to an apple orchard. appropriately, eve-sie showed a deep love for apples, gnawing on one while we sauntered among jonathans, cortlands, and other varieties. i kept remembering the scene from prince caspian, when the pevensies find themselves among the scattered ruins of cair paravel and roast apples over a fire. unfortunately, we were not able to find narnian ruins. i suppose aslan's gift to us was a beautiful day and one happy old baba.

also, a horse bit me.