Thursday, October 30, 2008

she's killer diller when she's dressed to the hilt

the sole purpose of this post is to horrify eve's grandmothers.

eve is such a good girl.


Cherrylynn and Ethan said...

I am so impressed with the amount of food that got on Eve's face. When we do this with our munchkin the food first gets dumped and then the spoon and bowl get turned into devices that she can cleverly use to launch the remaining food and the dumped food either in my face or in the dog's face. Cadalyn remains clean. She then uses the spoon properly to dip into the empty bowl and put nothing into her mouth. The dog gets a bath so much more often than he ever used to.

Katie said...

Oh. My. Lord. This is why I don't have kids yet. However, your blog makes me (almost) want to start!