Saturday, October 4, 2008

inside the gates of eden

this pups woke up in one fabulous mood this morning and hasn't stopped. one fascinating aspect of this mood includes a complete dependence on all things poppa-related, and next to no time for her mother. very funny, and very exhausting. i'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that i shoveled donut holes down her maw while e-$ showered. no, i think it is a simple genetic preference.

so we grabbed this pups and hauled her to an apple orchard. appropriately, eve-sie showed a deep love for apples, gnawing on one while we sauntered among jonathans, cortlands, and other varieties. i kept remembering the scene from prince caspian, when the pevensies find themselves among the scattered ruins of cair paravel and roast apples over a fire. unfortunately, we were not able to find narnian ruins. i suppose aslan's gift to us was a beautiful day and one happy old baba.

also, a horse bit me.

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