I am so impressed with the amount of food that got on Eve's face. When we do this with our munchkin the food first gets dumped and then the spoon and bowl get turned into devices that she can cleverly use to launch the remaining food and the dumped food either in my face or in the dog's face. Cadalyn remains clean. She then uses the spoon properly to dip into the empty bowl and put nothing into her mouth. The dog gets a bath so much more often than he ever used to.
baba: anything small or something for which we hold affection. has come to mean, quite literally, *the* baba who is the subject of this blog
babski: baba with an eastern european flair. from watching all the nannies in prague wheel around their charges in bugaboo strollers. they (the babas) simply became babskis.
cell bundle: what we called the babski, pre-jordan and before the early ultrasound.
jordan: the placeholder name for the babski. we thought it was a funny non-gendered name, and monica's enthusiasm for it was infectious
morgan: the other non-gendered placeholder name that didn't make the final cut. ted couldn't stop saying "big 'm,' little organ," so we scrapped it in favor of jordan.
pupsandpups: erin and jordan, combined. ted's invention.
I am so impressed with the amount of food that got on Eve's face. When we do this with our munchkin the food first gets dumped and then the spoon and bowl get turned into devices that she can cleverly use to launch the remaining food and the dumped food either in my face or in the dog's face. Cadalyn remains clean. She then uses the spoon properly to dip into the empty bowl and put nothing into her mouth. The dog gets a bath so much more often than he ever used to.
Oh. My. Lord. This is why I don't have kids yet. However, your blog makes me (almost) want to start!
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