Sunday, November 23, 2008

the universe paused

this pups celebrated her first full rotation around the sun last week. as i write this, we are mid-celebration and the eve-ster shows no signs of birthday fatigue. these photos are in chronological order due to volume, but i think they demonstrate the sheer joy that eve feels in nearly any experience. of course, the events captured here might inspire elation in anyone. evidenced, we have present opening, shade wearing, straw sipping, candle blowing, cupcake eating, new clothes wearing, and fledge petting. all in all, pretty much a perfect storm of pups luxury. this babbling, nearly walking, dancing, lovely lovely child continues to teach me all sorts of sentimental and fundamental lessons about the better angels of our nature. at the EXACT SAME TIME, she WEARS MY ASS OUT.


Peregrino said...

She may be cute, but she's frickin disgusting.

Janet Fehskens said...

OMG I just changed my desktop photo 3 times and have a feeling this will go on all day. I like what Peregrino said - several of the photos were eliminated because of drool and other disgusting elements - right now I've chosen the great new outfit of which I'd love to have a matching set. What a happy birthday girl! Love, Nanet P.S. Ted, I read your last sentence to the ladies in my office, one who has a 1 1/2 year old and she Amen'd your sentiments - at least as much as an Anthropology Ph.D. Candidate can.