Friday, May 11, 2007

everybody's trying to be my baby, and erin's going to have a baby.


i've been thinking about blogs for a long time, and regularly perused a variety of them -- strictly as a voyeur, to this point. i've thought about names for blogs, possible entries, potential audience -- the whole kit. and now here i am, projecting personal thoughts into cyberspace. mostly it reminds me of an innate desire for mutant powers and the ability to control technology with my mind, but for now blogger will have to do.

i have lots of little posts to, erm, post, and will do so soon. for now, i wanted to say welcome to any and all. the aim of this blog is to create an artificial community, akin to sea monkeys. our friends and family are diverse and far-flung, but we wanted to share this experience with all interested. so, on that note, everyone is invited to become a sea monkey. let us know if you'd like to be a contributor, and we'll happily add you to the list. i will laugh at your entries and erin will moderate.

1 comment:

erin said...

i think it's important to learn or remember that early on in our relationship, ted acquired a sea monkey empire, which flourished quite happily on his kitchen table in the house he shared with two other guys. due in no part to them or their hygiene, the monkeys didn't make it through the academic year.

let's hope the lot of you voyeurs and contributors fare better. given that none of you live on our dining room table, you've got good chances for survival.