Sunday, February 17, 2008

ain't she sweet

here are some random fotos of this goofy kid. evesie has 2 speeds, and 2 speeds only. presented here is awake-and-alert. she does not really like to be cradled when she's awake. rather, she likes to be talked to and fawned over, all the while looking around at EVERYTHING. we keep telling her that she's a little baby and can act like one if she wants to, but she doesn't seem to listen and then her eyes wander and she starts talking again. her other speed, not represented visually here, is a pups-coma. anecdote: we are having some friends over for brunch today. retroactively, this means that we thoroughly cleaned the house yesterday afternoon and evening. this basically means that we tidied, vacuumed, and mopped for the 1st time since november 17th. evesie collapsed in exhaustion around 8:00PM, on the floor, in the dirtiest room in the house, covering her eyes with her arm and snoring. we then realized that we needed groceries, so we bundled her into her car seat and went on a late-nite kroger run. she slept through the entire trip. the sleeping-in-filth and staying-out-late does not seem to have negatively affected her.


Janet Fehskens said...

Cutest baby in the world. Those eyes! Do you think she's taking it all in, or what? Erin, I love seeing the back of your neck, too.

Peregrino said...

Do all babys look like gremlins?