Monday, February 25, 2008

she's magically delicious

i'd like to start this post with two disclaimers:
1. i don't currently like lucky charms, nor have i ever succumbed to their oat and marshmallow magic. i find marshmallow--in its rock hard cereal incarnation or in its fluffy state--to be disgusting.
2. when i wrote in my previous post that this blog could easily become a 'stuff on my kid' forum, i didn't actually mean that's what we would start doing, even though this is a post that would fit in that category

so there i was in the target baby clothes section, looking for some pjs that will fit this ridiculously long kid so that we don't have to do laundry every five days just so that she'll have something to wear to bed. i looked around to show the sleeper with rainbows on it (for $4!) to ted and evesie, and they were nowhere to be found.

ted has a history of doing this, but hasn't actually disappeared in a store in a long time. back when we lived in charlotte, he would wander off in the massive super wal-mart, and i wouldn't see him for what felt like years.

luckily, he returned much more quickly this time. i heard him before i saw him. he said, 'erin, look what we found!' i turned around in time to see eve decked out in this amazing hat from the dollar section. of course, instead of taking it off of her, i started taking pictures with my camera phone, one of the first instances in which i can truly say it's a valuable and not superfluous device.

she never did seem to mind the hat. in fact, the other parents with babies in the section seemed more offended than she did. i love her.


Janet Fehskens said...

I love this baby! Erin, you and Ed have more in common than you realize. One of our recurring "episodes" is when he can't find me in WalMart.
She's an Irish Baby!

Janet Fehskens said...

By the way, Karen is your anonymous writer. Erin, she asked that you explain to her how to do it.