Saturday, March 1, 2008

soul power

we've been exposing this pups to some mad culture. above, eve-sie sports her easter hat, generously given by my mother. you will also notice that she has recently discovered her hands. she will hold them out in front, look at them, crack a huge smile, make a sound very close to a seal bark, and then jam as much of both of them into her maw as possible. she then proceeds to suck and slurp them, dripping drool everywhere. it's much more adorable than it sounds. last night we all 3 went to see booker t. jones and maceo parker play. it was a little loud for the pups, so e-$ and i took turns in the lobby. booker t. sounded fantastic, playing a vintage organ through a leslie speaker. pups loved it. she promptly fell asleep during the intermission and missed the entire maceo show, somehow. this pups is immune to funk. it seemed like thousands of folks goggled over her and then remarked on what a good baby she was. and also a funky baby (blue-eyed soul, i guess). the 3rd photo shows this pups completely at home in front of the television. i rationalize this by stating that the program was educational -- anthony bourdain's 'no reservations,' a current complete addiction in this household.

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