Monday, March 17, 2008

this one goes out to the one i love

sometimes, a solid dose of rem is exactly what the doctor ordered. this is true in two ways right now: evesie pups went to daycare today for the first time. therefore, i was thinking most of the day about this little one that i love to ridiculous excess. i spent more than a few minutes scrolling through the 776 pictures i have of her on my computer. at daycare, the pups had a good time, so good in fact that she only napped for about twenty minutes in the six hours that she was there. this puts her at a pretty huge deficit on sleep, which is why she's conked out on me right now and giving me a full-body nap-snuggle-hug. so, while i relied on rem's lyrics to sing my thoughts throughout the day, the pupster is currently relying on that more scientific valence to the band's name and catching up on some big time babski dreams.

now i realize that much of that previous paragraph makes little sense. that's because i spent much of last night missing out on rem sleep. was it because eve was up all night? nay, friends, quite the opposite. she was sleeping so soundly in her crib that i thought she surely couldn't be breathing. so i spent a lot of time trying not to sneak into her room to check on her.

so enough about michael stipe.

the above pictures are some of my current favorites of the pups. she's making so many new faces all the time, along with lots of new sounds, some sweet and cute and some just darn loud and funny. goodness she's great.

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