Thursday, March 27, 2008

you got no secrets to conceal

well, the pups can't keep secrets. for example, it seems that she's been working on rolling over in private because we weren't totally aware of her efforts in this arena until today. her fans at daycare told me that 1) she got mad because they couldn't feed her cereal fast enough this morning; and 2)she almost rolled over in her crib two times.

so i put her on her back when we got home, and there she went. again. and again. and again.

then her papa came home and stripped her down to her diaper because she's happier that way, and then i caught this footage on camera. please notice fledge, the ever present and hardly impartial observer in the background.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes that happens to me when I roll over, too. Good job, baby girl! Is that her Buffalo that lures her?

proud mama said...

Ryan, Lena, and I got a kick out of Eve's new moves. Lena was especially fascinated by her friend's ability to roll over since was never a fan of rolling over.