Friday, August 3, 2007

BEING for the benefit of, er, jordan

i just wanted to give a shout-out to everyone and thank you all for your support so far. this whole process has been a wide-eyed experience, and the generosity has been overwhelming.

monday evening the three of us returned from indianapolis. we were visiting b/c we love everyone there, and also to attend 2 showers. i can't believe how much stuff we got. somehow, we managed to fit it all into the car and now it is spread throughout the house. in fact, the house and erin's mid-section are both swelling due to jordan. way to go, jordan. just when i felt like i had a handle on simplifying my life, you come along, and we have to get a lot more gear, and erin gets bigger too. thanks a lot, you recalcitrant child o' mine.

BUT ANYWAY. thanks to everyone for such thoughtful and meaningful gifts. the clock is ticking, and so is my ear. i think my ear is ticking from a lack of personal hygeine or something, though.

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