Tuesday, August 14, 2007

From Minutiae to the Grandiose

I don't know whether to feel good or bad that I'm not able to be around tednerin for all the awesome trivial things that add to the momentum of having a baba. It's sad not to be around for those things, but at the same time it forces me to approach this phenomenon with more of a vague and philosophical perception.
Like last night, I finished reading "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" for the second time, which is a good book but iterates over and over how difficult and confusing life can be. And I agree. But at the same time, the overwhelming majority of John (79%) holds life to be a constant source of wonder, joy, and bemusement.
So as I think about this NEW LIFE getting ready to crash the party the world is currently having, I'm excited for it/him/her. Jordan will have a whole new, different mentality, different associations and experiences, different everything. S/he won't lack for knowledge because of his/her parents, so the ways in which this child grows up and views things will be a lot of fun to watch. Especially when the world's so damn fun anyway.
So here's to you two!

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