Friday, August 10, 2007

friday's miscellany

so. i've just taken a short walk between the english department building on campus and the library to print out a few articles that most likely hold the key to my dissertation. reading them will clearly be as monumental a moment as that one guy had when he first read the rosetta stone. it seemed to be blazingly hot during my little walk, and upon returning and checking the ever-reliable, i find that it's a mere 101 degrees, with a heat index hovering around 108. ah, summer in north carolina.

my week in indiana seems so much longer ago than it really was. ted and i had a great time, and i had a wonderful time with mom and bob before ted showed up mid-week to join the festivities. i feel like i'm still reeling from the generosity that was heaped upon us at our showers--and all week long, really. we left with a full car-load of baby gear. ted has complained that it's strewn about the house, which is patently untrue. everything little and soft has been put away in the dresser (thank you nan and pop!). now all we need to do is actually move the furniture around in the office so that the crib (thank you, mom!) and cedar chest (thank you dad and hope!) become usable objects rather than a laundry storage site and a bench.

it's true that on the ride home from indiana, jordan's voice manifested itself to me in a raspy brooklyn accent, the perfect sound for such a scaramouche (word of the day, people. subscribe.) of a child. i don't know why this is, but it's been funny around the house, and argos now loves being called in jordan's voice. they're going to be the best of pals.

in other news, jordan's been zooming around in the womb, practicing quidditch moves. i've been getting some pretty strong thumpings lately--so much so that my belly actually pulsates. it would be gross if it weren't so cool. of course, staying true to obstinate form, jordan still refuses to punch, kick, or flip on demand. good kid.

i think that's it for now. everything continues to go smoothly, and we continue to be overwhelmed by our family's generosity and excitement. i wonder if jordan knows how much s/he is anticipated and loved already? if so, it'll probably just make the kid want to be as late in arriving as possible--you know, to build up suspense. i would like to just calmly remind this child that s/he is *not* a magic trick and will not need to rely on cheap stage effects to produce awe and wonder at his/her arrival. we'll see how that goes.

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