Sunday, March 2, 2008

papa don't take no mess

so this video post has been about a month in the making. evesie pups has discovered her voice, and boy does she put it to good use. however, as soon as we attempt to document it, record it, or let anyone else hear it, she shuts up like a clam. while she doesn't display the full range of her grammar in this video, she does give you a taste of what it's like to live with this increasingly loud creature.

i think there are several highlights to this video. one of them is that you can hear ted blowing his nose from across the house, and that when he does, eve gets startled, and her eyes get huge. it's also worth considering the choreography of this number. ted got underneath the arches that cross over the lovely play mat on which eve is depositing copious amounts of droll. ted has a large head and a very big halo of hair, so this was not easy or comfortable, but we all emerged unscathed (though ted was awash in drool), and the playmat remains structurally intact. i imagine christine and erik, to whom the mat belongs, are pleased with that news.

now, the video is long, and the pups doesn't really start talking until about 4 minutes in, but you may be hopelessly in love with her at this point, like her 'rents, which means that you'll wait through the first four minutes to fully enjoy the last minute and a half of talkiness.


Janet Fehskens said...

That was phenomenal. Erin, do you gaze adoringly at Ted's hairy entity like that? THAT WAS GREAT! I do so hope she'll talk to her Nanet. I've tried to get Ted to blow his nose quietly his whole life. Good luck.

erin said...

i would also like to point out that ted sings part of the battle hymn of the republic after he blows his nose. i told him this, and he says that he always thinks of that song when something catches his eye. however, he has no memory of what might have caught it this time.