Saturday, January 26, 2008

no more sweets for the sweet

CAUTION: this is an epic post that speaks mainly of fussy babies and their drool, vomit, and poo. many, nay, most, of you will probably be bored to tears by this, so i recommend just staring at the pics if the text makes your eyes cross.

well, i was some kind of a mama yesterday. it’s only proper to begin at the beginning, which means thursday night, when evesie pups was a crazy baby. she had short periods of unprecedented adorableness, followed by long periods of whimpering, whining, wailing. she slept very little during the day, so this compounded the issue. the only times she wasn’t a sad little pups were when she was nursing, dancing to emo (matthew, your emo lyrics are way funnier than deathcab’s), or having a bath. a day like that guaranteed that i needed a beer with my pizza and duke basketball that night.

while we watched coach k’s boys TROUNCE those va tech giants, eve found peace on her papa’s chest in these amazing pj’s (thanks, amy, mark, and audrey!) and i found mine in the two chocolate chip cookies that ted brought home from his evening meeting.

now, some of you know that i suspect eve has an allergy to chocolate, just like her papa. i stopped eating it altogether a few weeks ago. they say (you know: ‘they’) that the way to find out if you’re allergic to something is to stop eating it for awhile and then eat it again b/c that way, your reaction will be stronger. i didn’t intend to make yesterday that testing day, but the cookies were awfully good and I was in no state to resist sugary temptation.

so. eve was in a much more fabulous mood all morning on Friday, which allowed me to make some zuchinni bread and shower between morning nursing sessions. this was amazing. the little pups sung to me while i was showering, and then as soon as the water was off, she was getting a little fussy. inspecting the baba for what the problem might be, i noticed that she was sporting a pretty enormous spread of drool on the front of her shirt. impressed with how much she had managed to produce in such a short time, i didn’t even consider that it could be baby vomit. i have no idea why.

telling her that it made more sense for me to get dressed and then change her out of her drooly clothes (this follows the oxygen mask argument on airplanes, as hillary and greg noted), we made our way to the bedroom so that i could do just that. she got increasingly fussy with the passing of each second, which was puzzling.

i finally picked her up out of her bouncy seat and noticed that she felt a little damp on her huge diaper butt. it was at this moment that i noticed the huge wet patch in her bouncy seat. when we arrived at the changing table, i realized that this little pups was on her third epic grump (our word for poop) of the day, and this one, due to my callous disregard for her comfort, had managed to run up her back and down one of her legs, soaking her and the bouncy seat in which she was festering in her own filth.

poor kid.

once everyone was clean and in dry clothes, she decided to switch from foamy epic grumps to throwing up everything she ate at every nursing session until late afternoon. through all these post- (or would it be anti?) digestion periods, she was sweet and cute and wonderful. this picture sequence captures one of those moments in which she was making eyes at her papa. i dressed her in her fab bodysuit from Kirsten because i thought it was a nicely ironic counter to her vomiting, grumping physical state. ted thinks she really looks like a boy in this get up and calls her evan luke, or steve, or kevin, depending on how she’s acting at the moment. in addition to her lovely smiles, please notice the long train of still-wet baby puke running down her left sleeve.

we did change her out of this bodysuit shortly after she puked on it. again.

1 comment:

Janet Fehskens said...

Oh, well, now you know. Maybe you can enjoy twizzlers for a spell. Guess I won't ask if you want to purchase some of MG's fundraiser candy bars.