Thursday, January 24, 2008

she's about a mover

so far, eve is one happy little girl. she likes nothing more than eye contact and talking. she likes to hear about anything, really. she particularly likes it when e-$ recounts the day's adventures, or when someone tells her dog jokes (jokes that don't make any sense at all). she starts smiling and baby-squeaking when you talk to her, giving a strong impression that she really wants to talk back (and she probably thinks that she is talking back). on an unrelated note, she also loves sticking her small hand in her huge mouth. i think this photo shows some definite baby blue eyes, though.

1 comment:

Janet Fehskens said...

Undoubtedly the cutest baby I've ever seen. I love her. I'm so glad she's happy. How couldn't she be? She has the greatest parents in the world.